Everyone knows how big Apple computers has become since its almost collapse not so long ago, right? Well if you didn't just know that Apple is huge and a matter of fact their pockets are huge as well., like 60 billion dollars huge. Anyway I have always believed that Google is a much better company even though allot of you out there may disagree. To each his own.
Ok so I am almost certain all of you reading right now have heard about or even seen or shopped at an Apple store. Well good ol Google decided to tap into the retail market that Apple has been hogging. Recently Google introduced what they call "Android Land" which is a retail shop dedicated to nothing but Android products. Below you can find a video of the actual Android Land store.
Here are my final thoughts; I am predicting in 5 years or less Google and specifically the Android brand will be the dominating company in the wireless device world and cell phones as we know them will be obsolete. I believe that Google's rapid expansion into the wireless device world and mobile operating system market is a clear indicator in regards to the future of the company and its direction. I know I look forward to the day that I can buy a Google cell phone on Google wireless service. It may not be too far off. Thanks for stopping by and make sure you subscribe to this blog before leaving and also don't forget to comment on today's post letting me know what you thought.

The sky is falling, oh wait that's just Apple

Welcome back everyone. Hope all of your holidays went well and you enjoyed yourselves. I had lots of fun with my family and loved ones but now its time to get back to the grind. I have included a video player that contains all of the latest Craigslist  lead generation videos I produced over the last month so you can catch up on what I have covered.
Behind the scenes I am working on putting together a special workshop that is like something you have never experienced.  I have not decided whether I will hold this workshop  live or online, let me know what you would rather have me do by leaving a comment below. The content I will cover in the workshop is a combination of new and previously covered information, you wont want to miss it. Here is a link to the early bird list you will want to get on because as always I will only be allowing a limited amount of people into the workshop. Early Bird List
Watch the videos in today’s post to catch up and make sure you let me know what you would prefer I do in regards to the workshop I am working on. Also before you leave make sure you subscribe to my blog to stay up to date with the latest RE marketing information.

Craigslist Real Estate lead generation updates


Getting Craigslist real estate leads doesn't have to be hard. In this video I breakdown and analyze a student's craigslist ads who is applying what I have been teaching. Join me for the next few minutes as I show you the correct way to get real estate leads with your craigslist ads and what to avoid that will prevent you from getting craigslist real estate leads for your business. Thanks again to Faby Gonzalez for allowing us to share her ads with everyone in today's video about Craigslist Real Estate Lead generation.

Craigslist Real Estate lead generation secrets revealed pt 3-Student CL ad Case study

In today’s follow up video Craigslist Real Estate Lead Generation Secrets Revealed pt 2 I will break down headlines and how to write them. Headlines in your Craigslist Ad is a crucial part that can either make or break your Real Estate lead generation on craigslist. Think about it, if your headline doesn’t get clicked then no one sees your ad there for no one will visit your website and you won’t get any leads. Simple stuff right? Watch this video to learn exactly how you need to be writing your Craigslist Real Estate ads in order to generate curiosity and interest. Don’t forget to share this video with your friends on facebook, twitter and google +. Make sure you subscribe to my channel before you leave and thanks for watching.

Craigslist Real Estate lead generation secrets revealed-pt 2 Crafting the perfect Craigslist lead getting headline

In this video I walk you through how to create a clickable image ad. This is a awesome way tool for you to use when generating real estate leads through craigslist. Not many people know about this so please keep it between us. Make sure your subscribe to my channel or blog to continue to get free craigslist real estate lead generation tips and other cool real estate marketing stuff. Be sure to leave your comments and rate this video so I know whether or not you liked it. Thanks for watching and be on the lookout for more cool videos coming your way soon.

Craigslist Real Estate lead generation secrets revealed-pt 1 How to make a clickable image ad

Over the last couple of weeks I have not shot a video to post on this blog. Forgive me I have been working behind the scenes on allot of cool new stuff that I am getting ready to show everyone. Many of you have helped me out big time by participating in the survey that I posted on this blog or sent you an email about, thanks a hole bunch you all have been awesome. Today's video I share with you some stuff I have been working on and also the results from that survey. The results of the survey are going to dictate what I will be teaching since it's exactly what you want based off of the survey results. Let me know what you thing about today's video by leaving me a comment below or by rating this post.

The results are in


Have you ever heard that “you can’t be everything toeveryone?” Do you understand what this little saying really means? Well by theend of today’s post you’ll understand exactly what it means and how you can usewhat they mean to increase the amount of business you are currently doing.
Lots of Real Estate Agents, Realtors, Brokers and just aboutevery one else that falls into the RE professional category uses what iscommonly know as the shotgun approach. The shotgun approach is an analogy for awide spread approach to business. The large majority of RE pros take thisapproach with their businesses, not the wisest choice in my opinion.
Ok let me play devils advocate for a moment. We all knowthat if you throw enough shit at a wall something is bound to stick right? Sowhen a Agent goes out and uses the shotgun technique they may call, flyer, doorknock ect an area regardless of the types of property found in this area. Ofcourse if you spend enough time in an area and get in front of enough peopleyou are bound to come up with something.
Lets switch gears here and look at things from a differentprospective. Now lets say you are targeting a certain style property in aspecific area of your town. This can be a certain property type in a certainzip code or community. Now that you know who you are going after you can craftyour marketing message accordingly to maximize your chances of getting businessfrom these people. This is called target marketing.
Target marketing is nothing new but it is not used as muchas it should be especially in RE. Traditionally RE offices and some brokersteach the numbers game, you’ve heard of this right? Knock on X amount of doorsand you will get X amount of business or call X amount of people and you willget X amount of to work with you, sound familiar now? This is one way ofgetting business and in my opinion it is a very labor-intensive way of gettingbusiness.
Personally I would rather have a clearly defined targetmarket I am going after that I can then solicit with specific material designedand crafted for their needs. This technique of target marketing allows you tocontact less people while being able to get more business with less work. Solets say the area and property type you are going after has 25 people who fityour target market. Now instead of randomly contacting 200 people in hopes ofdrumming up business you only have to contact 25.
The beauty of this approach is when you are contacting thepeople in your target market your not saying “hello I am the local Realtor Comedo Business with me.” With target marketing  you already know what your markets challenge is and have thesolution waiting for them. With this strategy your conversation goes somethinglike this. “Hello Mr/Mrs Smith I understand that blank right now and I can helpyou out big time by doing blank”.
Give this strategy a shot and see what types of results youare able to achieve. My guess is once you use this strategy in your businessyou won’t want to go back to your old ways.  Make sure you subscribe comment and rate my blog post and besure to leave me a Google voice message telling me about your experience withtarget marketing.


This is way cool. Sticking with the old verses new theme Iwant to show you something that in my opinion is freaking awesome. If you havebeen following this blog for some time you have noticed I added a Google Voicephone number for people to call and leave voicemail testimonials about thisblog. So what’s new about a voicemail?
Glad you asked. So everyone is fairly familiar with what avoicemail is right? Ok great. Well the big G commonly referred to as Google, isnow entering the communications market by introducing Google Voice. I have tosay this new addition to the long line of Google products and services isFREAKING AWESOME.
Basically what Google did was tell the traditional phonecompanies to F#@$ off. I am serious. You can make local calls totally free andpay pennies for long distance and international calling. I plan on doing a indepth video into what Google Voice has the capability to do for your business.Be on the look out for that soon.
Back to the main point of old verse new. Google voice has awealth of features people can play around with that allow you to do all kindsof cool things. One cool feature is you can assign specific numbers to haveyour call forwarded to during certain times of the day. So if you have a teamthis is a really useful tool to have when dividing the incoming call leads.
Another cool feature is each voicemail is transcribed andemailed to you. This is something that caught my eye and it works well. You canalso embed your voicemails just like a youtube video. You can see an example ofthe embedding below. Currently Google voice is free to use so make sure you getyour account opened and number picked out before those boys at Google decide tostart charging us for this stuff.
Make sure you subscribe, rate and comment on today’s postbefore you leave and when you have a chance take the new survey I added to thelink list atop this page.

Old v.s New

In our ever-changing technology age it can be difficult tonavigate all of the marketing avenues available to the modern day REprofessional. Between Social media and the Internet there seems to always be anew exciting way to get leads or drum up business for yourself. This can breaka person down and cause a bunch of unnecessary confusion. Can you relate?
Thankfully you are an avid follower of myself and this blogright? JWhat I have found in my years of being a RE direct response marketer is that nomatter what shinny new strategy that surface you can’t go wrong by sticking tothe basics. I know your sitting there right now reading this saying to yourself“Paul you must have lost your mind, you never condone out dated lead gettingmarketing techniques” and you are right.
When I speak of the basics I am speaking about direct mailand cold calling in specifically. Now these two methods of getting leads aretough to do when you don’t understand how value is created. For those of younot in the know value is creation is the job of the RE agent or Realtor and noone else. So make sure you have some type of value proposition for your leadsbefore you even begin otherwise you are setting your self up for failure. Gotit.
Now back to the basics point I was making. I have coined thephrase Web 3.0 which means you drive traffic to your online offers from offlinemethods such as direct mail or cold calling. This is a lot easier than youthink and for good reason. By sending a prospect online from a direct mailpiece or call you are taking the position of information provider instead ofdesperate sales person. You can get really creative with this type of marketingfast when you take things seriously. Check it out.
Right now I am running a couple of campaigns that I want toshare with you. The first is I am passing out flyers door to door which tellthe prospect to go to a website that I set up where they can grab a report. Ialso have created a QR code that sends scanners of it to a youtube video of mywife explaining her services. So these are 2 simple traditional marketingmethods with a new age twist to them, hence web 3.0. Got that?
In conclusion the traditional basics of lead generationcombined with the new age technologies available make for a powerful duo.  

Back to the basics or is it?


OK here’s the deal, everyone wants to get leads online fortheir business, especially Real Estate agents or Realtors, but who understandswhat needs to happen to be able to do so.
The majority of people are under the impression that theycan throw up a website online and their sales/business will skyrocket. You alsohave the crowd that believes that if they have enough social media accounts,fan pages, profiles ect that they will be flooded with business. This couldn’tbe farther from the truth.
Yes there was a point in time that you could simply slap upa website or social media profile online and traffic would just come your waysome how. What I just described was possible maybe in the mid to late 90’s butis and now its long gone. The game has changed.
Internet users are allot more savvy than they once were.They have become hip to pop ups, PPC ads, sponsored links and all the rest.What is one to do in this day and age to get themselves a lead or two? I amglad you asked. It’s back to basics.
Simply put, the jest of commerce is, person 1 givessomething of value to person 2 for something person 1 deems valuable. Easyright? Wrong.
This simple way of conducting business is totally screwed upby the majority of business owners for many reasons. The most common way peoplescrew this process up is they think they know what person 1 finds valuable whenthey don’t have a clue. Don’t make this mistake, ask your target market whatthey want before attempting to give it to them.
So in conclusion do not assume you know what your marketwants ask them and then deliver it. Now when you are generating leads onlineyou know you need to find out what your leads are looking for online and thengive it to them in exchange for their contact info. Each target market willwant something different so do not generalize whom you will be targeting, doyour homework.
I am holding a Craigslist workshop on September 28 at 7pmpacific where I will dive deep into how any RE professional can get free leadsfrom craigslist that convert into closed transactions. Join me for thisworkshop on September 28 at 7pm pacific to learn what others have tried desperatelyto keep from you. Here is the registration link CLICK HERE and remember that I alreadyhave half of the workshop filled so register now before I have to pull theregistration link down. Thanks for stopping by and checking out today’s postand make sure you subscribe to this blog after you register for the Craigslistlead getting workshop.

Lead capture = value creation


If you are into Flashy, super hyped up new and excitingbreakthroughs that have just been discovered and now are being told to you,then you may not like this blog post. Leave now or forever hold your peace.
Weird way of starting off a blog post wouldn’t ya say? Welldespite the dramatic language it was a basic headline. Anyone familiar withcopy writing knows that the job of the headline is to get people to read thefirst line of copy and the first line of copies job is, you guessed it, get thereader to read the second line of copy. Simple basic principals that haveworked from the beginning and will continue to work till the end of time. Andthat’s what I wanna talk about. Basic principals.
I know everyone likes new exciting stuff whether inmarketing or in life period, humans are just wired that way.  The key to being successful in today’sworld of high tech gadgets and gizmos is to utilize new technologies whileimplementing basic marketing principals. Sounds simple right?
Yes my philosophy is simple but how many of you actuallyunderstand it? Here is a simple example of what I am talking about. Theinternet would be considered a new flashy gadget in my opinion, especially whenyou consider RE as a profession, so lets apply the philosophy I just describedto it.
Traditional RE marketing would say publish a couple of adsin a local classified paper using direct response strategies. Why not do thesame exact things online? So many people do not use Craigslist to postclassified ads to generate leads, huge mistake. I would like to invite you to aspecial online workshop I will be holding on September 28.
Many of you are already have signed up for this Craigslistworkshop I will be holding and if you are not already registered you need to doso now Click Here. My conference room will only hold 250 people so its going tobe a very intimate workshop so everyone can get the most out of it. Curious toknow what I will be covering in this workshop? Check out the video below for anoverview of what I will be covering in the Craigslist workshop. Make sure youregister before the room fills up. I already have 75 people that signed up onthe early bird list so keep that in mind when you register for this workshop.  Click here to register for the Craiglistworkshop.

If it ain't broke don't fix it


In this video I thought I would show everyone a new lead capture fan page I have been working on. Once it's done I will shoot another video showing the completed fan page. Real Estate lead capture fan pages are gaining popularity and for good reason. Watch this short video that shows you step by step what a lead capture fan page can do and how you can get one for your RE biz. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel or blog and make sure you share this video on facebook and tiwitter. Leave your comments below letting me know what you thought of today's video so I can continue to provide you with practical content you can swipe and use in your own Real Estate business.

Lead Capture Fan Page breakdown


 Get on the Early Craigslist Real Estate lead generation workshop Registration list Click Here. Get on the early registration list for the Craigslist Real Estate lead generation Workshop now. I am limited to the number of people in our conference room so get on the early registration list before it fills up. All you have to do to secure your spot is click the link in this description and fill out the registration form. I look forward to having you at the Craigslist Real Estate lead generation workshop and get ready to learn how powerful craigslist lead generation can be for your business.

Make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel so you can get notified when I release a new video. While you're at it head over to my blog and check that bad boy out its pretty sweet http://www.REMM-blog.com. Don't forget to give this video the thumbs up.

Craigslist Real Estate Lead Generation Workshop Update


Do you wonder how your RE biz gets found online? You already know where you need to be online but how do you actually get found online?

Today's video will clear the air and explain to you how your RE biz is found online. You need to know how the internet works before you go out and attempt to generate leads for your RE business online. If you do not learn the foundational information about how the internet works you are headed for rough times.

Check out this video I pulled out of the archives for all of you today and make sure to leave your comments about what you thoughts where on today's video. Thanks for stopping by and watching.

[video] How to get your RE biz found online


“Rules for Criaglist? WTF they already have rules.” I can hear all of you now. Stop your crying its not what you think. Listen up.
As many of you already know Craigslist has some new rules you have to follow. One huge one is all accounts that are posting in Homes for Sale need to be phone verified. This put a cramp in allot of peoples posting including mine. However like a boss I adapted. Now its your turn.
Craigslist made things hard on a lot of people when they started this damn phone verification process. I had over 20 accounts that turned into garbage over night when those hippies over at Craigslist got a wild hair in their butts and switched things up on all of us.  I’ve never lost to a hippie and I’m not starting now. Check it out.
After experiencing the pain of being taken from posting over 50 ads per day, which by the way was generating on average 10 leads per day, to only be able to post a handful, which only got me like 2 or 3 leads per week, I had to figure this thing out. That’s exactly what I did. I put all of my attention into figuring out how to get around Craigslists new rules especially their phone verification system. This is what I found to work for me.
OK so now that I think about it these rules are more for keeping your accounts phone verified status just that, verified. The biggest challenge I had was once I had a verified account I would do something and it would get unverified for one reason or another. Dealing with the phone verification that craigslist set up was a blessing in disguise. The 3 rules I uncovered not only let me continue to post my ads like I had been, without getting my account reset.
I bet your dying to find out exactly what I found out right? Maybe you have even dealt with the same BS I was dealing with before I discovered these 3 rules I now follow religiously.
Here we go…
Rule #1-Only post to 1 city and 1 category like “Homes For Sale in Your City”. Don’t try to post ads in another city from the same CL account you use for local posting.
Rule #2- Do not post the same ad from different accounts. I’ve been able to post the same ad by switching the headline up however I do not recommend doing this as it’s a huge risk that could shut you down fast.
Rule #3-Last but not least do not break rules 1 or 2.
That’s really it. As long as you are not posting the same ad from the same account multiple times a day or attempting to post ads in multiple cities from the same account you should be good. Another tip you should follow is post your ads according to a schedule you create based on your cities hot times to make sure everything goes smooth for you. Follow these 3 rules and your Craigslist Real Estate lead generation should be a breeze. Until next time. Thanks for reading.
O yea by the way Click Here to get on the early bird list for my Craigslist workshop 

3 Craigslist Real Estate lead generation rules everyone should follow

I got another awesome post for you all today. I am sticking with the Craigslist Real Estate lead generation topic as it has proven to be a hot one. Lots of people want to generate leads on Craigslist but don't know where to start.  I pulled this video out of the archives and I think you'll really dig it. I share with you a Craigslist lead generation formula that has taken me over 5 years to put together. This Craigslist lead formula is super easy to understand follow and implement. Sit back relax grab a paper and pen for notes and lets get started. Oh by the way I am going to be doing a craigslist workshop for those of you interested in learning even more about how to generate free Real Estate leads by using Craigslist. Here is the early registration link you can use to sign up for this Craigslist lead generation workshop. Click Here to get on the Early Bird CL workshop list

Craigslist Success Fomula


Ok so you understand that Craigslist is like one of the best places to get free online Real Estate leads right? I know most of you out there do for a fact based off of the response I got from my last post Craigslist Lead Capture Campaign. Obviously in any undertaking (such as getting a boat load of leads for free from craigslist) you may meet with some opposition along your way. Marketing your Real Estate business on Craiglist is no different. I have compiled the Top 5 Craigslist Real Estate Lead Generation Tips list that will help you avoid some of the common pit falls associated with marketing your RE business on Craigslist. These top 5 things you need to know have come from my 6 years of posting to Craigslist and the thousands of leads I have generated, so make sure you apply what I am going to be sharing with you otherwise it will be useless.
#1-By All Means Necessary DO NOT BLEND IN! This could kill any campaign you start from the very beginning. I mean think about it If you look the same and blend in who will notice you, NO ONE. Use catchy niche drive headlines with all caps or symbols *-_=#{. Also make sure your ads body does not look like everyone else’s ads, so you don’t blend in to the crowd in this way use HTML generators to create your text and use pure graphic ads both with corresponding messages to your headline
#2-Get into their minds-People looking on craigslist for something for sale whether it be a car, house or ipod the y are looking for a deal of some sort. Make sure whatever campaign style you are running it provides value to the craigslist browser. Check zip codes, niche style property, neighborhoods, developments ect for your value niche so you get the most out of your posting.
#3-Consistency is key-Make sure you stay consistent with your efforts for the length of your campaign. This means if you set up a campaign to run for 2 weeks straight then make sure you post according to your set schedule for the next 2 weeks. People need to see your ad a minimum of 3 times before they are compelled enough to take action.  Staying consistent with your message will show people credibility, which is a strong position to hold when posting on craigslist under any category. This will also discourage people from flagging your ads
#4-Track your results-This is really important and I hope all of you reading this already do tracking your efforts. A super easy way is to use trackable links in your Craigslist posts or just ask people when they call you, “where did you hear about me”. By doing this you are able to see what is working for you and what isn’t. Why waste your time doing something that isn’t working, right.
#5-DO NOT OVER DO IT-I know from my own experience that one can get carried away when posting to Criaglist. To avoid this monitor the times of day when you are posting and take notice of how quickly your posts make their way to the bottom or second page. When posting on a routine schedule you want to make sure you do not over do it because you can and will be viewed as a spammer by Craigslist and they could screw things up pretty bad for you. They may ghost your ads so they do not show up in the listings, they can make you have to re –do your phone verification which 9 out of 10 times forces you to use another phone number and last but not least they can shut your whole account down. This is why I do not personally use software to post my ads, I am a scaredy cat.

Top 5 Craigslist Real Estate Lead Generation Tips You Need To Know

 How many of you are using Craigslist to get leads? Come on be honest are you using Craigslist? I have used craigslist real estate marketing and lead generation techniques for years. If your not using craigslist to get leads for your business there is something wrong with you, seriously. Why wouldn't you go out and get yourself some free leads. For those of you who believe that craigslist is only for certain types of properties or niche categories you couldn't be more wrong. Lets face it home buyers are starting their search online, this is a proven fact, so why not be in front of them when they start their search. Makes sense right?

Let me ask you something, what is better than free lead? This is a easy one, think about it.... OK your taking to long, Its free leads that convert into sales or closed transactions. The majority of my wife's business, who by the way I handle all of her marketing both on and off line if you already didn't know, has come from FREE online marketing/lead generation methods. When I say free I mean free of monetary value however you still have to put in the ridiculously minimal time to be successful. Think about it would you rather spend a few minutes every couple of hours to place a add or would you rather call 100 people or knock on 100 doors? What do you think would take you longer?

The moral of today's post is "Get your ass on Craigslist and start getting free leads". Below is a video that I made which shows a campaign my wife used. I will be holding a workshop on craigslist either online or off, I haven't made up my mind yet. Regardless of where or how I host the Craigslist Workshop it will be a limited event and I know from past experience this is going to fill up FAST.  Here is the early bird registration link for those of you who would like to be notified of where and when this Craigslist workshop will be Click Here.

Craigslist lead capture campaign

As you may already know I post about all kinds of cool online Real Estate marketing topics. Over the course of the last couple of weeks I have seen a huge spike in my traffic and opt ins. Being the nosy guy I am I had to figure out what was going on.
To my pleasant surprise a video that I published on youtube awhile back was responsible for all of this new traffic and leads. Its nice to see something you have put effort into pay off big time wouldn't you agree especially when it runs on auto pilot? Now I know many of you out there are probably thinking "so what Paul, how can I apply this technique to my business". I am glad you asked:)
You see my wife has been my best student from day 1, no offense she has a bit of an advantage over all of you since she is usually the first to know about all of the cool stuff I share. Well anyways when I first learned about posting videos on youtube to drive traffic and get leads about 4 years ago she was really excited about the concept.
When my wife gets excited about something I show her you better believe it gets used in her business or things can get pretty challenging in our home, (no dinner and worst yet no desertJ ).
I put together this quick video explaining the same strategy of publishing videos to youtube for traffic and lead generation that I use for my wife’s business and myself. I have gotten countless opt ins and driven thousands of visitors to my websites and blogs using this very technique you are about to learn. My Wife has actually closed over $500,000 in sales using this technique resulting in roughly $15,000 in commissions. Not bad for a video that took 30 minutes to complete from start to finish that still generates business for her to this day. I know you are really going to like this so pay close attention and make sure you share this post on facebook and twitter with your friends.

Secrets behind RE video marketing

Let me ask you a question? What have you done to market your business that is thinking outside the box? I don’t mean “Oh I wrote a blog and posted it to facebook” stuff either.
When I say creative I mean something that made you stand out in the right ways to your prospects or clients. And just to set the record straight social media, blogging and any other online marketing technique is now mandatory in this day and age.
Creative consistency is the only way time tested that I know to grow any type of business and unfortunately the RE industry has not been doing a very good job of this. I know you are not one of the people not being creative because you’re reading this blog.
There are all kinds of cool exciting ways to get your markets attention however the real question is what are you doing? Is you business really were you want it to be? Have you done the things you know will drum up more business for you? Or are you stuck in a rut and don’t know how to pull yourself out.
I will be traveling extensively over the weekend and into next week. I will be working on a awesome workshop that will pull the creativity out of you while expanding your mind and showing you some really creative ways you can market, advertise or promote your business using what I like to call web 3.0
In a nut shell web 3.0 is when you use traditional marketing methods such as door hangers or post cards and in the message you are telling people to visit an online website or social media outlet. It’s some really cool stuff that allows you to fly under the radar while building credibility and authority with your target market.
Now comes the twist. Leave a comment below sharing your creative experiences in your business and the person with the most creative answer will win something really cool worth a lot to your business. Thanks for stopping by and make sure you like this post and share it with your friends on Facebook and twitter. I will be working setting up the workshop so keep your eyes open for more details about that heading your way shortly.

Creativity is King

Social Media is bigger and better than ever before. Do you remember the Socialnomics videos that were created a few years ago? You know the one that EVERYBODY uses in their social media presentations?

Well if for some weird reason you have not watched any of the socialnomics videos your in for a real treat. I just found the latest version of socialnomics on youtube. I embedded the video into this post today so I could share it with all of you.

Watch this video carefully and pay attention to the information they share. This whole social media thing has grown at a rapid pace. I use to think it was going to be a fade and I kinda ignored social media for awhile. It has gotten to the point were if your ignoring Social Media in your business you are missing out big time. In my opinion Social Media is only trumped by Mobile Phone marketing, but more on that in aonther post at another time.

Enjoy the video and make sure you share this with your friends on facebook and twitter by using the like and retweet buttons at the top of this post. O yea make sure you subscribe to my blog before you leave today.

Socialnomics-Social Media Revolution 3

[postlink]https://654ygtuyg.blogspot.com/2011/05/growth-you-can-ignore.html[/postlink]Do you want growth? Do you need growth? How do you get growth? These are all really good questions to ask yourself before committing to Social Media Marketing for your RE business. Many people will do their best to convince you that your business can't go on without adapting some Social Media Marketing. I am here to say they are right.

Over the years I have marketed RE online through all kinds of different ways from blogging to PPC, I've done it all. In the recent years I have entered the Real Estate Social Media Marketing arena and to frank with you it sucked at first. I absolutely hated it in the beginning. I just couldn't understand what all the hype was about. Then I started doing things the right way, ok maybe not totally the right way but I did know what the right way to approach Social Media Marketing for RE.

After a lot of trial and error I decided to set up a system for marketing my wife's Real Estate Business online. Of course I had to be the Ginny pig during the trial period and that's what inspired today's post. After realizing that I couldn't ignore Social Media any longer I created a system for setting up and using Fan Pages. Everyone who uses the internet knows right now that Fan Pages are the new IT.

Check out this cool video were I show you some results I have personally experienced since I began using one of my Fan Pages. These results came from me only spending about 10 minutes a day doing some really simple tasks that were not hard at all. In my new EZ Real Estate Fan Page System I show you from A-Z what you need to do and were to do it while giving you all of the right tools for your success. Check out the video results below.

Growth You Can't Ignore

Watch this quick video I just made showing you a simple lead capture system that I am setting up for my wife. Once set up it will only be a matter of staying consistent with our advertising and this lead getting machine will continue to spit out fresh quality leads 24/7. Make sure you leave a comment below to let me know if you want me to go into more detail about this type of lead capture system. And don't forget to "Like" this page to share it on facebook with your friends.

Simple Lead Generation


Secrets about colors? I know it sounds a little weird but trust me this is important stuff to know.The good ol boy's down at the Kajabi camp put together a  No-Nonsense Guide To Using The Right Colors that's the coolest thing since sliced bread. I mean it this color chart is awesome. Here is the link to head over to Kajabi to grab it for yourself Kajabi Color Chart Post. Watch the short video included in today's post for a more detailed explanation. Make sure you share this post with your friends on facebook and twitter. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog or youtube channel to get instant alerts as soon as I post a video or share something on my blog.

The Secrets behind colors

[postlink]https://654ygtuyg.blogspot.com/2011/03/totally-off-topic-japan-tsunami-footage.html[/postlink]Check out this footage of the Japan Tsunami. This is amazing footage of the Japanese tsunami that just happened. The sheer power of the Japan tsunami has been felt around the world as we look on in awe. Check out the video below that shows the jaw dropping footage that until now you may not have seen. Thanks for stopping by and be sure to subscribe to this blog to receive alerts when a new post have been added. Don't be shy when it comes to sharing this post with your friends on facebook and twitter, its only a click away.

Totally off topic-Japan Tsunami footage

[postlink]https://654ygtuyg.blogspot.com/2011/03/i-bet-you-didn-know-about-this.html[/postlink]I made a video a couple of days ago. It was about Youtube facts. Lots of great feedback on that video so here is the actual document I used when reciting the facts. Enjoy this awesome stuff and make sure to share this with your facebook friends by clicking the "like" button in the upper left above this post. Don't forget to subscribe to this blog or our youtube channel to stay up to date with all the latest and greatest online Real Estate lead generation and marketing strategies.

I bet you didn't know about this....

Youtube is nothing to be ignored especially if you are a small business owner, entrepreneur or Real Estate professional like a Realtor, Broker and Agents. In this video I cover some very interesting facts that you can either ignore or see the huge opportunity in, its up to you. If you're a Real Estate agent or Realtor you need to be on you tube its vital to your business. Coldwell Banker has already set up and is marketing nationally their you tube channel, why aren't you? Check out this video and make sure to leave your comments on it below. Don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel and be sure to share this with your friends and followers on face book and twitter.

You can't Ignore Youtube anymore-It could cost you your business

The age old battle continues. Well not age old but it has been going on for some time now. I know your sitting there saying "what the HELL is this guy talking about", right? Let me explain.

The epic Battle I am describing is Blogs VS Websites. You know which is better and why. Its a debate that lots of people are having especially in the RE industry. Here's what I did.

To clear the air when it comes to this Epic Battle I decided to do something unique. On April 1 I will allow people to join my inner circle. Once apart of my inner circle you will receive monthly private video news updates on all the cutting edge marketing strategies, techniques and methods, you'll also get bot on and offline copy and paste marketing campaigns you can use in your business and a top secret insiders circle discussion guide sent to your home or office.

I know your wondering what this all has to do with the epic battle right? Here it goes. Below you can read an excerpt from my insider circle discussion guide. It's not the entire article but it will give you a nice taste of what you can expect to get once you become an official insider. Check it out below. Leave your comments to let me know what you thought.

Epic Battle:

Which is better right? Well lots of people ask their self this. I know I did when I first got started. Let me explain. Websites are dead! I mean it they are. Look a website is basically a flyer or brochure online. What do people get out of a regular website? A bio of you. Maybe some contact info. That’s whack.

Where’s the incentive? Your average RE professional’s website sucks. Face it it’s true. To prove this all anyone has to do it a simple google search any local RE service provider. Vary raely dose the average RE biz have their web presence set up correctly. It’s always the same.

A basic brochure style plain ugly site that gives no visitor the desire to come back or leave their contact info, or a flashy slow loading useless flash site designed for looks not functionality.

On the flip side. A blog can provide any business savvy enough to implement a smart blogging system the upper hand. It not only gives a visitor a reason to come back it can be manipulated into serving all kinds of cool needs. Not just the needs of a visitor but also the needs of the business owner. I’ll explain.

People get bored. It’s true, the attention span of internet user is extremely low. They almost have ADD. No offense to anyone out there who may believe they or someone they know has ADD. Blogs make people want to come back. It’s as simple as that.

How you get people to come back to your blog is another topic that we will go into more detail later on in this issue of REMIC.

For now let’s list the pros and cons of both traditional style websites and blogs. It’s important to know each strength and weakness for both a blog and a traditional website are. The more you understand the better choices you can make when crafting a blogging system that will compliment your business.

The Epic Battle

[postlink]https://654ygtuyg.blogspot.com/2011/02/facebook-fan-page-changes.html[/postlink]Below is a short video I made today to let everyone know about the huge changes to facebook fan pages. These changes SUCK! I do not have the slightest clue on why facebook decided to do this. The good news is there is light at the end of the tunnel. Make sure you follow along and do exactly what I tuaght you in this video so you don't get left behind.

Basically you need to download the FBML static app for your fan page. In the video below I show you exactly how to do this so you can continue to create a custom look and feel for your fan page. Be sure to share this video on twitter and facebook to get the word out.

Facebook Fan Page Changes

In today’s video I cover the 6 Must Have Online Marketing tools every Real Estate Professional must have in their tool box. Each tool has its own unique use but all 6 are essential for your online real estate marketing success. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking the subscribe button above or head over to my channel now. Also if you would like a free 30 minute online marketing consultation for your Real Estate business follow the link below

The 6 MUST Have Online Real Estate Marketing Tools

For those of you too young to remember Hanoi Jane is a bad person and did some terrible things during the Vietnam war.  Things that can not be forgiven!!!!
For those who served and/or died. . .. SHE REALLY WAS A TRAITOR!!
And now OBAMA wants to honor her......!!!!

In Memory of LT. C. Thomsen Wieland  who spent 100 days at the Hanoi Hilton
She really is a traitor.
This is for all the kids born in the 70's and after who do not remember, and didn't have to bear the burden that our fathers, mothers and older brothers and sisters had to bear..
Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the '100 Women of the Century.'
Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still countless others have never known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country, but specific men who served and sacrificed during Vietnam .
The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot. The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat.
In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison the ' Hanoi Hilton.'
Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJ's, he was ordered to describe for a visiting American 'Peace Activist' the 'lenient and humane treatment' he'd received.
He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and was dragged away.  During the subsequent beating, he fell forward
on to the camp Commandant 's feet, which sent that officer berserk.
In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied application of a wooden baton.
From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4E's). He spent 6 years in the 'Hanoi Hilton',,, the first three of which his family only knew he was 'missing in action'. His wife lived on faith that he was still alive.  His group, too, got the cleaned-up, fed and clothed routine in preparation for a 'peace delegation' visit.
They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that they were alive and still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of paper, with his Social Security Number on it , in the palm of his hand.
When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like: 'Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?' and 'Are you grateful for the humane treatment from your benevolent captors?' Believing this HAD to be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper.
She took them all without missing a beat.. At the end of the line and once the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to the officer in charge and handed him all the little pieces of paper..
Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Colonel Carrigan was almost number four but he survived, which is the only reason we know of her actions that day.
I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam , and was captured by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held prisoner for over 5 years.
I spent 27 months in solitary confinement; one year in a cage in Cambodia ; and one year in a 'black box' in Hanoi My North Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me Thuot , South Vietnam , whom I buried in the jungle near the Cambodian border. At one time, I weighed only about 90 lbs. (My normal weight is 170 lbs)
We were Jane Fonda's 'war criminals...'
When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi , I was asked by the camp communist political officer if I would be willing to meet with her..
I said yes, for I wanted to tell her about the real treatment we POWs received... and how different it was from the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese, and parroted by her as 'humane and lenient.'
Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees, with my arms outstretched with a large steel weights placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane.
I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda soon after I was released. I asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV. She never did answer me.
These first-hand experiences do not exemplify someone who should be honored as part of '100 Years of Great Women.' Lest we forget....' 100 Years of Great Women' should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood of so many patriots.
There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's participation in blatant treason, is one of them. Please take the time to forward to as many people as you possibly can.. It will eventually end up on her computer and she needs to know that we will never forget. 

USAF 716 Maintenance Squadron
Chief of Maintenance
DSN: 875-6431 COMM: 883-6343 
I hate hearing about stuff like this. If you think this is wrong for Obama to honor this scum please spread this quick fast and in a hurry. I am not part of a political party nor do I endorse any Politician. I am an young American who is FEED UP. We need to stand together or we'll hang separately, the choice is yours. I know what I am going to do what about you?

TRAITOR-This is scum of the earth-

Real Estate Social media marketing has hit the scene and hit it hard. No other marketing technique or style can come close to the potential that Real Estate Social Media Marketing presents. Check out this awesome video I put together that breaks down and debunks all of the Real Estate Social Media Marketing nonsense that's been spreading like wild fire across the net. In this short video I'll explain what it takes to be successful at Real Estate Social Media Marketing, what platforms you should be utilizing and how to know whether or not your efforts are working correctly.

Real Estate Social Media Marketing Secrets Revealed

[postlink]https://654ygtuyg.blogspot.com/2011/01/do-you-have-what-it-takes-to-be-ceo.html[/postlink]I got an email today with this story in it and thought I should share it. I feel that it rings true and everyone needs to take a step back and think about the lesson this teaches us. The story is as follows:

A  successful business man was growing old and knew  it was time to choose a successor to take over the  business.

Instead of  choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to  do something different. He called all the young executives in  his company together.

He said, "It is time for me to  step down and choose the next CEO. I have decided to choose  one of you." The young executives were Shocked, but the boss  continued. "I am going to give each one of you a SEED today -  one very special SEED. I want you to plant the seed, water it,  and come back here one year from today with what  you have grown from the seed I have given you.
I will  then judge  the plants that you bring, and the one
I choose will  be the  next CEO."

One man, named Jim, was there that day and  he, like the others, received a seed.He went home and  excitedly, told his wife the story. She helped  him get a pot, soil and compost and he planted the  seed. Everyday, he would water it and watch to see if it had  grown. After about three weeks, some of the other executives  began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were  beginning to grow.

Jim kept  checking his seed, but nothing ever grew.

Three  weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by, still

By now,  others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn't have a  plant and he felt like a failure.

Six months went by --  still nothing in Jim's pot. He just knew he had killed his  seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had  nothing. Jim didn't say anything to his colleagues, however,  he just kept watering and fertilizing the soil - He so wanted  the seed to grow.

A year finally went by and all the  young executives of the company brought their plants to the  CEO for inspection.

Jim told his wife that he wasn't  going to take an empty pot. But she asked him to be honest  about what happened. Jim felt sick to his stomach, it was  going to be the most embarrassing moment of his life, but he  knew his wife was right. He took his empty pot to  the board room. When Jim arrived, he was amazed at
the  variety of  plants grown by the other executives. They were beautiful --  in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor  and many of his colleagues laughed, a few felt sorry for  him!

When the CEO arrived, he surveyed the room and  greeted his youngexecutives.

Jim just tried to hide in  the back. "My, what great plants, trees and flowers you have  grown," said the CEO. "Today one of you will be appointed the  next CEO!"

All of a sudden, the CEO spotted Jim at the  back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered the Financial  Director to bring him to the front. Jim was terrified. He  thought, "The CEO knows I'm a failure! Maybe he will have me  fired!"

When Jim  got to the front, the CEO asked him what had happened to his  seed - Jim told him the story.

The CEO  asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim, and  then announced to the young executives, "Behold your next  Chief Executive Officer!

His name  is Jim!" Jim couldn't believe it. Jim couldn't even grow his  seed.

"How could he be the new CEO?" the others  said.

Then the CEO said, "One year ago today, I gave  everyone in this room  a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water  it, and  bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds;  they were dead - it was not possible for them to  grow.

All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and  plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not  grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim  was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a  pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be  the new
Chief Executive Officer!"

*  If you plant honesty, you will reap trust

* If you  plant goodness, you will reap friends

* If you plant  humility, you will reap greatness

* If you plant  perseverance, you will reap contentment

* If you plant  consideration, you will reap perspective

* If you plant  hard work, you will reap success

* If  you plant  forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation

So,  be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will  reap later. Think  about this  for a minute.... If  I happened to show up on your door step crying, would you  care?

If I  called you and asked you to pick me up because something  happened, would you come?

If I had  one day left to live my life, would you be part of that last  day?
If  I needed a shoulder to cry on, would you give me yours?

This is a  test to see who your real
friends are or if you are just  someone to talk to you when  they are bored

Do you  know what the relationship is between your two eyes?

They blink  together, they  move together,
they cry  together, they  see things together, and  they sleep together,
but  they never see each other; ....that's  what friendship is.. Your  aspiration is your motivation, your motivation  is your belief, your  belief is your peace, your  peace is your target, your  target is heaven, and life is like hard core torture without  it!

It's  'World Best Friends Week'

Who is  your best friend?

Do you have what it takes to be a CEO?