Ok so you understand that Craigslist is like one of the best places to get free online Real Estate leads right? I know most of you out there do for a fact based off of the response I got from my last post Craigslist Lead Capture Campaign. Obviously in any undertaking (such as getting a boat load of leads for free from craigslist) you may meet with some opposition along your way. Marketing your Real Estate business on Craiglist is no different. I have compiled the Top 5 Craigslist Real Estate Lead Generation Tips list that will help you avoid some of the common pit falls associated with marketing your RE business on Craigslist. These top 5 things you need to know have come from my 6 years of posting to Craigslist and the thousands of leads I have generated, so make sure you apply what I am going to be sharing with you otherwise it will be useless.
#1-By All Means Necessary DO NOT BLEND IN! This could kill any campaign you start from the very beginning. I mean think about it If you look the same and blend in who will notice you, NO ONE. Use catchy niche drive headlines with all caps or symbols *-_=#{. Also make sure your ads body does not look like everyone else’s ads, so you don’t blend in to the crowd in this way use HTML generators to create your text and use pure graphic ads both with corresponding messages to your headline
#2-Get into their minds-People looking on craigslist for something for sale whether it be a car, house or ipod the y are looking for a deal of some sort. Make sure whatever campaign style you are running it provides value to the craigslist browser. Check zip codes, niche style property, neighborhoods, developments ect for your value niche so you get the most out of your posting.
#3-Consistency is key-Make sure you stay consistent with your efforts for the length of your campaign. This means if you set up a campaign to run for 2 weeks straight then make sure you post according to your set schedule for the next 2 weeks. People need to see your ad a minimum of 3 times before they are compelled enough to take action. Staying consistent with your message will show people credibility, which is a strong position to hold when posting on craigslist under any category. This will also discourage people from flagging your ads
#4-Track your results-This is really important and I hope all of you reading this already do tracking your efforts. A super easy way is to use trackable links in your Craigslist posts or just ask people when they call you, “where did you hear about me”. By doing this you are able to see what is working for you and what isn’t. Why waste your time doing something that isn’t working, right.
#5-DO NOT OVER DO IT-I know from my own experience that one can get carried away when posting to Criaglist. To avoid this monitor the times of day when you are posting and take notice of how quickly your posts make their way to the bottom or second page. When posting on a routine schedule you want to make sure you do not over do it because you can and will be viewed as a spammer by Craigslist and they could screw things up pretty bad for you. They may ghost your ads so they do not show up in the listings, they can make you have to re –do your phone verification which 9 out of 10 times forces you to use another phone number and last but not least they can shut your whole account down. This is why I do not personally use software to post my ads, I am a scaredy cat.
A super easy way is to use links in your messages traceable Craigslist, or just ask people when they call you.
Mantek Australia
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