Craigslist lead capture campaign

 How many of you are using Craigslist to get leads? Come on be honest are you using Craigslist? I have used craigslist real estate marketing and lead generation techniques for years. If your not using craigslist to get leads for your business there is something wrong with you, seriously. Why wouldn't you go out and get yourself some free leads. For those of you who believe that craigslist is only for certain types of properties or niche categories you couldn't be more wrong. Lets face it home buyers are starting their search online, this is a proven fact, so why not be in front of them when they start their search. Makes sense right?

Let me ask you something, what is better than free lead? This is a easy one, think about it.... OK your taking to long, Its free leads that convert into sales or closed transactions. The majority of my wife's business, who by the way I handle all of her marketing both on and off line if you already didn't know, has come from FREE online marketing/lead generation methods. When I say free I mean free of monetary value however you still have to put in the ridiculously minimal time to be successful. Think about it would you rather spend a few minutes every couple of hours to place a add or would you rather call 100 people or knock on 100 doors? What do you think would take you longer?

The moral of today's post is "Get your ass on Craigslist and start getting free leads". Below is a video that I made which shows a campaign my wife used. I will be holding a workshop on craigslist either online or off, I haven't made up my mind yet. Regardless of where or how I host the Craigslist Workshop it will be a limited event and I know from past experience this is going to fill up FAST.  Here is the early bird registration link for those of you who would like to be notified of where and when this Craigslist workshop will be Click Here.


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