OK here’s the deal, everyone wants to get leads online fortheir business, especially Real Estate agents or Realtors, but who understandswhat needs to happen to be able to do so.
The majority of people are under the impression that theycan throw up a website online and their sales/business will skyrocket. You alsohave the crowd that believes that if they have enough social media accounts,fan pages, profiles ect that they will be flooded with business. This couldn’tbe farther from the truth.
Yes there was a point in time that you could simply slap upa website or social media profile online and traffic would just come your waysome how. What I just described was possible maybe in the mid to late 90’s butis and now its long gone. The game has changed.
Internet users are allot more savvy than they once were.They have become hip to pop ups, PPC ads, sponsored links and all the rest.What is one to do in this day and age to get themselves a lead or two? I amglad you asked. It’s back to basics.
Simply put, the jest of commerce is, person 1 givessomething of value to person 2 for something person 1 deems valuable. Easyright? Wrong.
This simple way of conducting business is totally screwed upby the majority of business owners for many reasons. The most common way peoplescrew this process up is they think they know what person 1 finds valuable whenthey don’t have a clue. Don’t make this mistake, ask your target market whatthey want before attempting to give it to them.
So in conclusion do not assume you know what your marketwants ask them and then deliver it. Now when you are generating leads onlineyou know you need to find out what your leads are looking for online and thengive it to them in exchange for their contact info. Each target market willwant something different so do not generalize whom you will be targeting, doyour homework.
I am holding a Craigslist workshop on September 28 at 7pmpacific where I will dive deep into how any RE professional can get free leadsfrom craigslist that convert into closed transactions. Join me for thisworkshop on September 28 at 7pm pacific to learn what others have tried desperatelyto keep from you. Here is the registration link CLICK HERE and remember that I alreadyhave half of the workshop filled so register now before I have to pull theregistration link down. Thanks for stopping by and checking out today’s postand make sure you subscribe to this blog after you register for the Craigslistlead getting workshop.