
That’s a strong statement but its true. Lots of people are under the false belief that if they get a large list of email addresses from prospects they will have a win fall of money. Nothing is further from the truth.

Over the years the internet has grown substantially and with growth comes change. In the hay day of the net a person could slap up a squeeze page, pay a few bucks and bam you got a steady flow of leads coming in. Of course over the years the scenario I just described has become less and less effective for a combination of reasons. I would like to share a few reasons why I believe traditional email opt in lists are dead.

  1. Email addresses are not the only notification/communication outlet online anymore
  2. Consumers are hip to the opt in bribe funnel model
  3. Emails effectiveness has decreased each year for the last 6 years
  4. People don’t value their email addresses like they once did
  5. Social media has taken over as the new email
  6. Content alert services are gaining popularity-google alerts ect

So there you have it. 6 true to life reasons why traditional email opt in lists are dying fast. Some people reading this may want to debate what has been said and others will truly understand the underlining message of today’s post. The way you perceive this information will shape your businesses future and change the way you look at the internet forever.

I am thinking about doing a private webinar explaining more in detail exactly what I  I am writing about today however I am in limbo as to whether or not I should do it. The main reason I am not sure whether or not I should do this webinar is it’s on the advanced side of things. So if you want me to do a webinar in the next 30 days about why traditional opt in email lists are dead then leave a comment below. Thanks for stopping by and checking out today’s post and be sure to subscribe to this blog before you leave.

Traditional email opt in lists are dead