As you may already know I post about all kinds of cool online Real Estate marketing topics. Over the course of the last couple of weeks I have seen a huge spike in my traffic and opt ins. Being the nosy guy I am I had to figure out what was going on.
To my pleasant surprise a video that I published on youtube awhile back was responsible for all of this new traffic and leads. Its nice to see something you have put effort into pay off big time wouldn't you agree especially when it runs on auto pilot? Now I know many of you out there are probably thinking "so what Paul, how can I apply this technique to my business". I am glad you asked:)
You see my wife has been my best student from day 1, no offense she has a bit of an advantage over all of you since she is usually the first to know about all of the cool stuff I share. Well anyways when I first learned about posting videos on youtube to drive traffic and get leads about 4 years ago she was really excited about the concept.
When my wife gets excited about something I show her you better believe it gets used in her business or things can get pretty challenging in our home, (no dinner and worst yet no desertJ ).
I put together this quick video explaining the same strategy of publishing videos to youtube for traffic and lead generation that I use for my wife’s business and myself. I have gotten countless opt ins and driven thousands of visitors to my websites and blogs using this very technique you are about to learn. My Wife has actually closed over $500,000 in sales using this technique resulting in roughly $15,000 in commissions. Not bad for a video that took 30 minutes to complete from start to finish that still generates business for her to this day. I know you are really going to like this so pay close attention and make sure you share this post on facebook and twitter with your friends.

Secrets behind RE video marketing

Let me ask you a question? What have you done to market your business that is thinking outside the box? I don’t mean “Oh I wrote a blog and posted it to facebook” stuff either.
When I say creative I mean something that made you stand out in the right ways to your prospects or clients. And just to set the record straight social media, blogging and any other online marketing technique is now mandatory in this day and age.
Creative consistency is the only way time tested that I know to grow any type of business and unfortunately the RE industry has not been doing a very good job of this. I know you are not one of the people not being creative because you’re reading this blog.
There are all kinds of cool exciting ways to get your markets attention however the real question is what are you doing? Is you business really were you want it to be? Have you done the things you know will drum up more business for you? Or are you stuck in a rut and don’t know how to pull yourself out.
I will be traveling extensively over the weekend and into next week. I will be working on a awesome workshop that will pull the creativity out of you while expanding your mind and showing you some really creative ways you can market, advertise or promote your business using what I like to call web 3.0
In a nut shell web 3.0 is when you use traditional marketing methods such as door hangers or post cards and in the message you are telling people to visit an online website or social media outlet. It’s some really cool stuff that allows you to fly under the radar while building credibility and authority with your target market.
Now comes the twist. Leave a comment below sharing your creative experiences in your business and the person with the most creative answer will win something really cool worth a lot to your business. Thanks for stopping by and make sure you like this post and share it with your friends on Facebook and twitter. I will be working setting up the workshop so keep your eyes open for more details about that heading your way shortly.

Creativity is King